Hashtag Entrepreneur

Hashtag Entrepreneur

Hashtag Entrepreneur

What’s the business, The design on deck is “Hashtag Entrepreneur”, which is simple and straight forward. It is for those that use social media to promote products, promote a brand, advertise affiliate links, or share information about being an entrepreneur. If you went to Twitter right now and searched with #entrepreneur, it would display all

The Consumpreneur

What’s the business, One of the first member tiers created for OVBE was the “Consumpreneur.” The Consumpreneur was modeled after the bargain shopper. Think of a person you know that uses coupons all the time, shops for the buy one get one free deals, or always finds sales. Read the Consumpreneur blog on OVBE to

O-V-BE Pronunciation

What’s the business, The design on deck is “O-V-BE.” This design was created after being asked what OVBE stood for while I was out and about. Many of my initial designs emphasized the letters OVBE, and I just assumed people would go research what it was about. People would ask what it meant, how do